Thursday, January 15, 2009

Now what?

I know that I haven't been blogging much lately, and as my Dad reminds me, when people have no news they assume the worst. However, that is far from the case right now. I am recovering remarkably fast, and have had most of my restrictions lifted. I had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday where she effectively told me that my counts were good enough that she didn't need to see me anymore and she booted me back to my regular oncologist. Dr. Pinter-Brown also told me I didn't need to be watched 24/7 and that I could drive. Other than that, I can't eat sushi or SoupPlantation, and I really shouldn't be in crowds or around sick people. My energy level is already probably 60% of normal, and I had my Groshang catheter removed on Tuesday which allowed for me to have the first shower I've had in over a month.

Now, it's just a waiting game. I will have a follow up pet scan in 2 months to see if the cancer is still gone. I asked the doctor what my odds were, and she said that I have 50%, maybe a little higher, odds that I will be cured. Part of the reason I don't blog is because I am afraid that I'll just end up vomiting emotional crazy all over the computer screen. I work hard to keep the worry and fear at bay all day long. I try not to let my fear of what may be consume me. It's so hard at times to relate to my friends and family because they are just getting on with their lives, and I sometimes feel that I am in a never-ending purgatory. Of course, then I feel guilty for not trusting enough and not having enough faith to trust that whatever happens, God is in control. At the moment, it is much harder living in my head than it is living in my body. It's such a feeling of helpless desperation. In my head, I constantly think of the story in Mark of the bleeding woman who just desperately tries to touch Jesus' robes, and I understand her.

On top of this, my dad is having surgery next Friday and I can't be there for him. He has a mass growing in his neck, which is most likely a gland that is growing as a tumor. The better odds are that it's benign, but there is still a chance it could be malignant. They won't know until Friday. And there are risks of the surgery because of where it is, and I am stuck here convalescing in California. I'll probably get in trouble for blogging about this, but I am so very worried. People keep telling me to stop worrying and to concentrate on my own recovery, but that's plausible as stopping breathing. Hopefully, those of you who are in Dallas can pick up the slack and be sure and check on him. Be sure and bug him a lot. He loves that.

Anyways, I need to go and run some errands. It breaks up the monotony of the day. I've been out of the hospital a week, and Justin is already assigning me task lists.

Just keep praying for us.


Unknown said...


MaryAnn said...

Thank you for the update. I had no idea about your dad, but we'll keep him and you (of course) in our thoughts! Let us know when we can come visit, too!

Rebecca W. said...

Good Morning Katie, I am a relative to Ouida she was married to my wonderful Father.
I have read 2 of your blogs the first was hemaphadite not sure that is exactly how you spelled it but... wanted to thank you for that blog that day I was thinking a little to hard about myself and after reading it all I could do was thank God for his creation and that was you. I must tell you I had tears of laughter and goodness running down my face, you were able to express a very difficult time w/ the joy and strength of Gods Grace.
I want to share a quote by Maya Angelou "When I say...I am a Christain I'm not trying to be strong. I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

Rebecca W. said...

Follow up.....because you have found the power of truth to be real in confessing your weaknesses and God has created you to be transparent for your readers. Your readers will find that Gods promises of grace are real. I am rejoicing at the Refreshing of Strength that our Faithful Father is going to be showering on you. Giving thanks in advance!