Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Can tomatoes be willfully obstinate?

Today, I don't have any particularly profound thing to say today....just a couple of random thoughts.

To begin, I was wondering today if tomatoes can be willfully obstinate. The thing is, Justin and I have some stubborn tomatoes on our upper balcony. These tomatoes tend to do poorly when we are paying attention to them, and then they begin to thrive again when we ignore them. It has been months.....MONTHS....since those stupid things have gotten any attention. We've had near freezing nights at times. We've neither watered nor fertilized them. Yet, when I went upstairs to close the balcony door I discovered a live plant which was sporting no less than 5 tomatoes on it. Here's the thing. If the plant would just die, we could throw it out and start again, but if it holds on and keeps itself alive....well then we feel obligated to keep it. So there it lives, going on two years now.

I have to kidnap Justin early from work today to get some errands done. I am able to get most things done in day, but I can't get Justin's haircut for him, neither get fitted for his tux. Hence, the kidnapping.

Otherwise, I've had a very productive day. I cleaned off our downstairs balcony. You see, in an ironic twist, although I live in California, my condo complex does not have a recycling program. However, I try my best to be environmentally friendly in the ways that I can, so I collect my bottles and cans and I make a point to take them to the recycling place. Most of the time when I get a full bucket of recyclables I take them to the recycling center, but I haven't done that for over 3 months, and so today I had to pay the piper. I spent 30 minutes sorting the aluminum from the glass and bottles so that I could get my money back. I made $10.30! Of course, then I remembered that I am not really making money, but getting money refunded that I've already paid. I also used my cloth grocery bags. I try to do my part.

Anyways, those are my thought for today. Breathtaking, aren't they?

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

We use cloth grocery bags here too and nifty little insulated zipper bag for the frozen stuff. That last one is mandatory around here unless you want your ice cream to turn into yogurt on the way home. (yeah, it's THAT HOT in the summer.)

Glad you're home safe & sound! :)