Monday, April 6, 2009

Never say never

Never say never. I'm going to make that a slogan of mine, because the sooner I say I am not going to do something, the sooner it happens that I end up doing it. I promised myself after I finished teaching swimming lessons for a church internship that I would never teach them again. Not because I didn't like doing it, but because I was going to go on to having a career. Flash forward 3 years, and here I am sans job in a terrible economy with few jobs to be had, and my health doing quite well. I need some form of gainful employment, even if it is merely summer work. So, today I went to my old boss and asked if she would be interested in hiring me back for the summer. To my delight, and apparently hers too, she is in dire need for a swimming instructor in my very area. So it looks like I will soon have some form of gainful employment for the first time in almost 2 years. To be honest, although I would rather have a church job of some sort, this will be much better than working at, say, Starbucks, and will pay much better too. Plus, since I have some track record with my employer, I know that she will work with me on my schedule and be relatively flexible with me.

Overall, I think it will be good for everyone. Justin is probably crying for joy right now at the thought of a second income, no matter how temporary that might be. The other upside is that my employer also runs a tutoring business in conjunction with the swimming, so when the major swimming season is over, I might be able to stay on and do some tutoring jobs. So....go team McAllister!

1 comment:

MaryAnn said...

No Starbucks?! But then you can't make crazy drinks and bring them home to victims! :-) Working at Starbucks is definitely over-rated. Have fun teaching swimming! We might have to bring Rai for a lesson or two!

I am trying to get Aaron to do something for our 5ht anniversary this August... hmm...