Sunday, December 9, 2007


I'm feeling more of the chemo today than in prior days. Fatigue. Its weird. Its kind of like having the flu without the aching. You know, that baby kitten weakness sort of thing, which not only effects your brain, but also your ability to form clearly coherent sentences. In fact, I'm being very optimistic in trying to blog. The nausea is better and I only took one pill today. My mouth is really sensitive, but I don't have any sores in it yet. I'm hoping that it doesn't get any worse. Eating is a chore. I've had a biscuit and a cup of broccoli soup today. Soup seems to be the best option. Still, overall, I am pleased with how my body is coping. It could be much worse.

My in-laws have been here since Thursday, and they've been a big help. My house is actually clean, and my closet has clothes actually hanging up in it. (They more regularly reside on the floor) I'm really glad they came. It was nice for Justin and I both.

My brain doesn't have any more coherency.

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