Saturday, December 8, 2007

Late Night Blogger

It's actually almost 3AM here in California, and for some reason I am wide awake. Part of it is because my tummy is rumbling. Not Mt. Etna rumbling, but just some minor grumbling.

Since I was awake, I thought I would blog a little bit about the chemo so far. One of the interesting things was that since it was my first day I got a bunch of gifts. Particularly enjoyable was the free blanket I received from a drug company. Sort of a "thank you for spending $3000 dollars a bag for your i.v.'s a blanket that was made by child labor in Taiwan for 10 cents." Too cynical? Sorry about that. I also received a bright pink hat that has some sort of cancer slogan on it. (My sexy husband is so secure in his manhood that he actually wore it for a little :) Mind you, its very pink.) Then I got a bag of goodies from a support group which was very nice. However, it makes you realize what an intestinal affair chemotherapy must be. In the bag included 6 packages of Benefiber (yum!) a box of ex-lax, some gas-ex. Have I mentioned in this blog before that I feel really sexy? It had a book in it called "We all have blue days" or something like that. It was actually pretty cute but ironically I already own the book, so I gifted my friend Zaria (3 years) with it. Don't worry, I didn't give the 3 year old a book about cancer. Its filled with cute animal pictures.

All in all, reaction to the chemo hasn't been too bad. I've been having grumbly tummy, as previously mentioned, and mediocre appetite. My own personal nurse (Mrs. Candace Ross, thank you very much) informed me that it would me more helpful if I hadn't spent the day eating mostly dairy foods, the hardest thing for the body to digest. So, there are plans to remedy that tomorrow. Also, my scalp is already tingly and sore, so any minor, back of the head hope I had that maybe just maybe I would be the one in a million person who didn't lose her hair has kind of gone out the window.
Another fun little side effect is that I have developed some rosacea. That's right. I look like I am continually blushing/flushed. Again, Candace pronounced it normal, so I'll go with it. It's the one thing that's happened that the doctor didn't really mention. I'm not running any fevers though, and I haven't had any more hot flashes like last night. Overall, I'm pretty darn pleased with how it has been going.

Now that I'm sure that all my family and friend have way more information than they ever wanted about my bodily functions, I guess I'll go. Time to surf late night you tube. I love the internet.

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