Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I hate cleaning

Some of you know me better than others, so I think before continuing with this blog I ought to disclose some things about myself. I am neither a very good organizer, nor and extremely tidy person. I have many talents, but organization is not one of them. Yet, since I am here in the house so much it would be absolutely absurd if I didn't keep it moderately clean. So, with great effort, I have been working on cleaning and organizing the condo. I spent most of Monday working on the kitchen. Did you know, its way easier if you do dishes every day as opposed to every week? Now, I am working on my closet. Part of the problem is that I wait so long to clean or organize that by the time I get around to it the problem is so massive that I get overwhelmed and I quit. Actually, that's the story of my life. I have a tendency to put off and procrastinate on things until the problem is gigantic. I do this with school, cleaning, mail, answering the phone......the list goes on and on. Part of my growth in the past year has been learning to face things headlong. It really isn't easier to bury ones head in the sand. Luckily, I didn't do this with the lump I found. Thank goodness.

It's interesting what you learn about yourself when you are left to your own devices. It seems that it is much more difficult to manage ones time when they have nothing to do than when they have tons of stuff to do. However, I am starting to get the hang of things. I find that if I let myself sleep as much as I need, I am much more industrious in my waking hours. Hopefully the next time I blog, I'll have a clean, organized living room and closet.

Tomorrow is a new chemo. I am praying that my counts are high enough tomorrow to take treatment, and that I react well to the treatment. I am remaining optimistic. Is there any other way to be? Hope to have good news for you tomorrow!


Phylis said...

You are so funny and I do know you so well... Remember the time we helped you guys move and yours and Marlas rooms werent packed yet? I threatened to keep all the change on the floor. Must have been about $5! I think you come by the not so clean gene from our side of the family, sorry we are also pack rats! Yes it is so true and so funny that you have finally discovered that dishes every night is soooo much better than once a week, you nut! Glad to hear you were able to do chemo sorry about having to do weight loss the old fashion way, if you figure that out let me know, I still have 50 lbs Id like to get rid of! Keep up the blogging, you are very good at it and it often makes me laugh. Cant wait to see you again.

Love you bunches
Aunt Phylis

Robyn Hines said...

Man, I still haven't got Mike to figure the dishes thing out yet! Maybe one of these days...