Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's a go

First of all, I want to wish my Aunt Janet and my cousin Christopher a very Happy Birthday! Chris is a navy medic who is currently in Iraq, so I'm guessing its not his best birthday ever...but luckily he's coming home soon, and I know we are all looking forward to it, especially his mom, dad, sister and girlfriend.

I got chemo today! That's exciting because it means my counts are good. In addition, I had enough energy to play an hour of raquetball with my husband and his buddies.

I have one complaint. I thought one was supposed to lose weight when one was on cancer. Yeah. I gained 3 lbs these past 2 weeks. Of course, it is that time of the month, but come on. Oh well...I guess if I don't have the rest of the side effects, I shouldn't be bitter about not losing weight. Sigh. Guess I'll have to keep working at it the old fashioned way.

Seriously though, I am really focused on including lots of fruits and vegetables into our diet. We are really lucky living here in California because we get the best produce here. And I honestly love cooking for my husband, and he's a good eater.
Life is relatively good....and I am so grateful


Phylis said...

I got to talk to Chris today and he sounded pretty good, especially after being so sick this past week. He is so ready to come home I cant even tell you. I sent him your link in hopes that he would have a chance to get on and say hi. Just in case he doesnt thank you for the birthday wishes and I will pass them on. Love you!

Aunt Phylis

Jennifer said...

Hi Katie!

It's Jennifer! (Kerry & Richard's youngest.) Pat gave me your blog address so I thought I'd stop by and say hi! Glad to know I can keep up with more family now in cyberspace. I have a blog too ( if you want to swing by for a peek.

Glad to hear Christopher is coming home soon and hope your chemo goes smoothly. We're all pulling for you!!!

-jen :)