Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Holy urinal cakes, Batman!

I'm done with my first cycle! Yea! And, so far, I'm not too worse for the wear. WARNING: The rest of this paragraph will contain mildly graphic material and, therefore, if you do not wish to hear more about my urinary tract, I would definitely skip forward to the next paragraph. To continue, the only really annoying part so far has been a mild urinary irritation which made me feel as if I had to pee constantly and caused some pain. Luckily, turns out it is neither infection nor irritated bladder, just a mild irritation that goes away with plenty of hydration. Translation: mild discomfort and a regular date with the toilet. And peeing in a cup multiple times.

Welcome back to those of you who skipped the rest of the first paragraph. I am lifting our request for no phone calls. Reality has settled in and our routine has sort of been figured out. I want to thank everyone for respecting us in that request. It was so helpful. Also, I have had requests from some to know what they might do to be of help, and Justin and I have thought of something. I could use some more books, so if you would like to suggest some reading to me or even send me a book, that would be awesome. I think that will be all for now, because I need some rest.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ok, there are 5 on the way. They are probably not your usual kind of books, but I have recently fallen in love with this guy. Make sure you read Ice Station, Area 7 and Scarerow in that order (I didn't). Hope you like them. =]

Praying for you! And hopefully these will keep you entertained for awhile!

- Jen