Thursday, October 16, 2008

Same song, Second verse

To begin, I apologize for the need to disseminate information in this somewhat impersonal way, but it is difficult to have to give the facts over and over again. So instead, I will lay everything out here, and that way I only have to say it once.

My doctor called me Tuesday to inform me that my latest pet scan indicated that the cancer was back. I have two lymph nodes in my chest, and possibly another in my back. They are a little uncertain about my back. This means that we start the treatment process again.

I will be getting a port put in again. I am going to be starting chemo again next week, a new regime called ICE. It will be a chemo I will take over three days every 2-3 weeks for 4 cycles. Then, after I finish that cycle, in January they will be harvesting my stem cells. After they have harvested my stem cells, they will put me in the hospital at UCLA and hit me with the hardest chemo possible and then give me back my stem cells to help me recover. Once that is finished and I recover from it they might do radiation.

That's a lot isn't it? Now I know this is shocking and unsettling, but it is what it is. Some of you might be thinking, what can I do to help?

1. Please don't call just yet: I know you might want to call, but Justin and I are still trying to process and feel a little bit normal for at least until the chemo starts again. If you want to call next week, that would be fine, but we're just not in the mood to rehash at the moment.
2. Prayer: Pray for us. Feel free to put us on any prayer lists you have and to remember us. That is very helpful.
3. Be Thankful: Look around your life and appreciate all that you have. Give thanks for your health and your family and all the gifts you've been given in life.

I appreciate that you care enough to read my blog, and I will continue to keep it up to date so that our family and friends know what is going on. Again, I'm sorry to inform everyone in this way, but it's the best I can do.


Robyn Hines said...

Don't feel sorry. It's not like you aren't telling us anything at all. *hugs* Will definitely keep you guys in my prayers.

MaryAnn said...

I can't thank you enough for keeping us posted. You will, of course, be in our thoughts and prayers. I will also email you next week. Just reply when you have time and know that you have an endless sea of people thinking about you.