Sunday, February 1, 2009

An update

As they say, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition...and so we don't. Unfortunately, contrary to the surgeons first assumptions, my dad's biopsy turned out to be malignant. It is cancer. Fortunately, it's a very rare but very slow growing cancer and we are hopeful both that the surgeon managed to get it all and that it hasn't metastasized. The lymph nodes were clear which leads us to be hopeful. Of course, this wasn't the news that we were looking for. I actually have permission to blog this from dad himself, although he did make the request that I don't solicit people to bug him like last time. I told him that I would consider the request.

Truth be told, this news made me tired. Tired of sickness and sadness. However, I suppose it's prudent to always look on the bright side of life. (No, there wasn't a Monty Python marathon on BBC America this weekend. Sometimes it just creeps into the vernacular... I'm a lumberjack and all that jazz.) I am resolved to keep going, hoping, praying, and trusting that all of this will work out according to God's plans.

On a lighter and happier note, I have made contact with the National Marrow Donor Program, and hope to be soon working with them to help with recruitment drives. The guy even suggested that there might be speaking opportunities for someone like me, especially to churches, which is right up my alley. I am really hopeful that I can spend some of my down time helping recruit more donors. The recovery for bone marrow transplant recipients is really long and tough, and it just seems to me that they have enough to get on with in recovering without having to deal with great stress and anxiety waiting for a donor. And so I recruit. The guy I talked to was a non-hodgkins lymphoma survivor who had a transplant 8 years ago. I guess that once you go through something like this, it's hard not to want to help others get through it.

And so ends this blog. There could be better news...but there could be worse. So I think I'll be grateful for what we have.

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