Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Taking a break

The pet scan yesterday went really well yesterday. It wasn't bad at all. For those of your who don't know much about it, they basically had me drink some radioactive water (to make my intestines glow) and then they injected me with radioactive sugars. After they inject you, you relax in a recliner and sit very still for about an hour while watching crappy daytime cable. (OK, I'm fibbing a little there...I loved watching TLC) During that time, your cells absorb the sugars, and the ones who are working overtime take in more. Then, they put you in a tube and they measure the photons that shoot out of you as the radioactive stuff decays. This set my insurance back 3000-6000$. They must love me. However, it is the best thing to get a 3-d scan of one's body, and I am very fortunate to have insurance so that I can get it.

In other news, I basically have been temporarily suspended from my CPE duties. Apparently my supervisor doesn't feel right sending a recently diagnosed 26 year old cancer patient up on the floor to be a chaplain. I can't understand why. Seriously, though, I think that she is looking out for me, but it definitely puts things up in the air with whether I am going to finish it. We are planning to revisit my returning to work after I get a staging and begin treatment so that we can gauge how well all of that is going.

So, that means that I have lots of time on my hands. Therefore, I am taking suggestions for things I can do to pass the time. (Minus housework) Let me know what you think.


anglibyerian said...

Okay, so I had all sorts of ideas for what you can do while your bored. Things like "write a love letter to your least favorite Congressman" or "send Slurpee coupons to Eskimos" or "create the Eifel tower in sugar cubes" or "make index cards of information regarding your favorite cheeses"
But, that's about all I can think of.
Bob Baker had me send your blog address to the entire Committee on Preparation for Ministry. Egad, you're in trouble now, girl.
Heal wholly. Pray unceasingly. Love extravagantly.
Tom Riggs
Your buddy at Grace Presbytery.

Grandma Ann said...

I thought maybe you would like me to send a bunch of handwork by Bev. I have alot piled up. Just kidding. You'll find something to do. Main thing is to concentrate on being better. God loves you and he knows your needs and answers our prayers. my friends and I are praying daily and I love you very much. Grandma Paulson