Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So, the port operation went well. I actually was conscious the whole time while they put the thing in. They gave me a lot of drugs to make me sleepy, but I was still awake the whole time. It's odd knowing someone is cutting you open and sticking something in your veins right on the other side of a towel. But it went really well.

Even more crucial, we got a staging today. It's not as good as we had hoped, but neither is it as bad as it could be. I've got Stage III Hodgkins Lymphoma. That means that it is in more than one place, and in more than one sector of the body. I have malignant lymph nodes in my neck, which we already knew, and also by my spleen and back. The good news is that it is neither in any organs, nor in my bone marrow. These are great things, and they keep it from being Stage IV. The bad news is that this will prolong the length of my treatment. We're looking at 6 months of Chemotherapy for sure and very likely some radiation.

How am I doing with this news? I'm fair. Not great, not terrible. Just fair. It'll get better, but the first day is the worst.


Unknown said...

Seriously, tell J when you come into town for x-mas we are having a head shaving party!

Dee and Ben Andrews said...

Hi, Katie,

Whoa, I have to put more stock in what is in your heart (so much love) than in what a test or two say. Ben & I will continue to hold you in the strength and power of the God we all know, your "boss". Through each day, we surround you with our love and a faith that All Is Well.

Dee & Ben Andrews (former DHS Sp.Ed.)

Susie T. said...

Katie, we continue to pray for you and Justin,knowing next week begins your treatments. Take one day at a time.... I know the news of longer treatment is a bummer, but six months is a short time if you look on the broad scale of life. Remember how much you are loved and how much God is with you as you travel this difficult journey. You have a whole congregation praying for you here in Dallas! We love you!
Susie T.

Phylis said...

Hi sweet Katie,
I am so glad that you and Justin had a good Thanksgiving with your friends! We missed you but look forward to spending time with you at Christmas. I am sorry the staging news wasnt better but I know you have your moms strength and positive attitude. Combine that with you faith, friends and family that love you so very much I know you will get through this. Just know that we love and support you and Justin through this difficult time.
Just know that we Love you so very much!


Jen said...

Hey Katie, it's the 'other' cousin.
Long time no see. I was devastated to hear about your diagnosis thru Mom (via Mike). This world...
I am glad to hear that things are generally looking up (as much as these things can) and I will be anxiously checking up on your blog (which I just found out about.)
PS I posted a comment on your "Why Chicken Fried Love?" post, but if you are anything like me you dont check old posts much...