Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So, I find myself with a free week where I feel decent and I don't have chemo. Although the most ideal situation ever would be to have chemo this week, I can't help but being a little glad that I have a bit of free time whilst I wait for my body to make more platelets. Go platelets.

A small anecdote before I get to the gist of my blog. Yesterday after lunch I went to the Micheal's to pick up some stuff for a project I am doing. On my way out of the store I glanced off to my left, and I saw I woman and a little girl who appeared to be about 9 years old who was wearing a beanie. It caught my attention because it was 80 degrees outside, hot for a winter hat, and on further inspection I noticed that she didn't appear to have any hair. About the time I made this observation, the woman noticed me and quickly leaned over and tapped the little girl on the shoulder. The girl looked up from her Nintendo DS and the woman pointed to me. I should probably mention that I wasn't wearing a hat, as is usual. The girl looked at me so I smiled and waved at her, and she grinned and gave me a shy wave back and I continued on my way to the car. The interaction lasted maybe 30 seconds, but it made my day. I hope that that girl saw me and felt better about herself because there was someone else like her. Maybe she felt less different, less weird. It made me feel fuzzy inside.

Anecdote aside, the last few blogs have been a little intense, so I thought I would lighten the tone just as I this week has turned out to be a free one. When my dad was here a month ago I, perhaps mistakenly, started a conversation with my Dad about issues. My theory was that everybody has issues, even my Dad. Dad took umbrage at the idea he might have issues (although I know most of it was bluster), and so Justin even stepped in to the conversation to assert that, yes, everyone does have issues. So, my dad asked the explosive and completely unanswerable question, "What are my issues?" This question should never be answered lest one desires to dig oneself a very deep hole. I personally believe that one's issues should be explored through personal introspection or with a licensed professional. Perhaps with a spouse if one has very very thick skin.

Anyways, this whole conversation led me to this brilliant idea: what are your issues?
For example, I have many issues. I am a control freak, for one. I am really bad at organization. Sometimes I procrastinate...why do today what you can do tomorrow? I get really frustrated when I lose or when I am bad at something. I apparently have a propensity to grow certain types of cancer.

I have many more issues, but I would like to invite you to leave a comment, telling me one of your issues. Just to prove to my Dad that everyone does have them. Please...I never get to prove him wrong. You've got to help me out here.


Debbie Rogers said...

Way to go Katie.....I am glad everything is going in the right direction. Lets talk issues....lots of issues....just one (i have many) i have issues with being overwhelmed with all i have to do, so i do nothing...getting absolutely
nowhere. Hang in there both of you. Ya'll are in out thoughts and prayers.

Jennifer said...

Oh yes, everybody has issues. I procrastinate too but I procrastinate on all the wrong projects. I'm a smart gal but nobody sees it and I don't have the ambition to make them see it.

Good luck with your down time. I hope you enjoy it!

MaryAnn said...

It's funny you should ask. My issues are plentiful, but earlier today I caught myself speaking solely about myself in the 5 minutes of small talk I had with a coworker. I never meant to dominate the conversation, but I noticed that my rant left only a minute or so for the other person to respond. Maybe I should take my own advice and communicate more effectively leaving more time for others to speak.

Yes, you're 100% right! Everyone has issues!

By the way, great news on the pet scan results! Any chance you'll be traveling back to Dallas anytime soon?

Unknown said...

I have issues with my impatience with agressive drivers. I just got to let 'em go and let them be the a**holes that they are.

I have issues with control, or more accurately, lack of control.

I have issues with people who don't like me. I mean, really, who wouldn't like a great guy like me?
I'm awesome!

Oh yeah, I don't have self-esteem issues.

Peace out, yo!

Stacey said...

Hi Katie! EVERYONE has issues ;-) In fact, I'm now realizing that I have every one of the issues mentioned by the other posters in some fashion. UGH.

Your story about the girl outside of Michael's made me cry and I can't seem to stop, which is strange b/c I'm not a crier. And there you go, ANOTHER issue :-)

John said...

Hi Katie. My name's John...I just stumbled across your blog cause I was browsing your husband's Flickr and then got to his blog, and then clicked on yours because I thought it had a cool name! I'm touched by the strength and humor you show in your posts, and I just wanted to say that I wish you the best with your treatment and recovery. I'll definitely keep you and your family in my thoughts.