Monday, December 22, 2008

Day -7

According to the hospital folk, this is Day -7 of my stay. The stem cell transplant day is the official Day 1. It's been a very uneventful day mostly, because I didn't start the chemo today. I'm here in the new hospital, the Ronald Reagan Medical Center, which has only been open since August and it's super nice. The room I'm in is very nice, with a reclining chair and a couch which pulls out into a bed. There's lots of storage and all my favorite cable channels. The staff has been very attentive so far, and the low-bacteria menu isn't too bad. The best part is that the room doesn't smell too hospitally.

Tomorrow begins the chemo, as well as lots of pills and other medical stuff. I felt very bad for my mother-in-law because it was so boring today, but I guess that ultimately, it's better when a hospital stay is boring.

In another note, I wanted to ask for prayers for my friend Nell, who is 16 and going in for a brain surgery tomorrow. We're praying that she comes through it with no complications.

Got to go now....time for them to take vitals.
Otherwise, it's all quied

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