Sunday, December 21, 2008

This is it

As I sit here roughly twelve hours before I am admitted to the hospital, I am starting to get a little antsy. It's the same way anyone would feel before embarking on one of life's great journeys, although except for college, most people's great life experiences don't quite involve so many drugs. I am so grateful for this opportunity at a shot at a cancer free life, but it's hard to mentally prepare myself for the adverse side effects that I will experience over the next few months. I promise that I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on the day to day hospital excitement. I will undoubtedly have some stories. In return, all of you can try and have a lovely fun Christmas with your families and friends. I would appreciate everyone continuing to keep me in prayer, as well as my family...especially my Dad. We could use all the prayer we can get right now.

Thankfully, my mother-in-law Beverly is here for the next two weeks, thanks to the sacrifice of Bobby(my father-in-law). He's holding down the fort for a while so that Bev could come and take care of us, and goodness knows we need it. At least this way I know that Justin will eat something decent from time to time. Honestly, it almost feels as if I am turning myself over to be incarcerated. I mean, I am going to be living in a little room which I can't leave, and people I don't know are responsible for my entire life. Hopefully the food will be slightly better than hospital food. For those of you who have my cell number, I will have it with me. In the case that I have bad cell reception, I will probably post my hospital room number.

So, here's to my first (and hopefully last) hospital stay. May it be as brief and yet as successful as possible, with as little hiccups along the way as possible.

See you on the flip side.


MaryAnn said...

You know we'll be thinking about you and your family this holiday season. Take care and keep us posted.

And if the hospital food isn't great, we'll send you a nice, fresh goodie basket. :-)

Ouider's Wonders said...

In our thoughts and prayers - but, more importantly in God's hands. We pray He guides your Doctors and Caregivers and gives peace and strength.