Monday, December 8, 2008

A very merry weekend

Don't you just love the Christmas season? I do, and instead of sitting around the house this weekend worrying and falling into some sort of anxiety fueled fit, I decided to decorate the house and have a small party. Justin and I bought decorations for our "new" Christmas tree which was given to us to our good friends, Shannon and Gabriel. Shannon had warned us that it wasn't a very expensive tree, but Justin's reply was that he didn't care if it looked like the Charlie Brown Christmas tree as long it was free. Luckily it is a lovely tree, and we have the coolest star on top of it. We had some friends come over Saturday night and all played "Would you rather?" which is not a game I would suggest playing with 5 engineers.

Anyways, I've been up since 5:45 because I had to get over to UCLA to get some blood tests done. I managed to make it back in time to stick myself with neupogen at 8, and then make Justin breakfast before he went to work. So, I'm ready for a nap.

I still don't know yet whether the stem cell transplant is a go or not. I will know in the next few days, and as always, I will post when I know. One thing, though, is that I want everyone to know that even if I can't do the stem cell transplant, that doesn't mean that this is the end of the line for me. Far from it, actually. It's just that the transplant would be my best option. I am starting to get the feeling that some people thought that it was all over for me if this doesn't happen, and that's just not the case. That doesn't mean that I won't be severely disappointed if it doesn't happen, but I won't go jumping off a cliff or anything. I just wanted to clear that up.

1 comment:

Ouider's Wonders said...

Sunday's sermon was on Joshua 3 – it talked about the struggle of “waiting” – I had been keeping up through Mike - I knew many were breathlessly waiting. But, in comparison . . .

Moses and his group wandered for 40 years waiting – Then he had to turn the final leg of the trip over to Joshua - they got to the Jordan and it was at flood stage – they could see the Promise on the other side but, they had to wait until it was time to cross. But, when the time came, the water was still high and flowing rapidly. They had to have the faith to step into that water – to believe the promise that God would calm the waters – but, He didn’t - at least not all at once – this wasn’t the Red Sea – this was the Jordan - as soon as they stepped in, the water stopped 20 miles upstream - the faithful had to stand in the rushing water a long time waiting for it to "drain" and get down to where they could cross – but, they crossed on DRY LAND. The promise was fulfilled.

Like you said, “waiting sucks” but, in God’s time . . . Today’s reminder, Joshua didn’t ask why or when – just said, “Yes Lord.”

It seems we spend most of our time waiting and asking why. All I could say as I left the church was “Thank You , Lord. That was the answer I needed – an important reminder.”

SEE Ya in the water – waiting.